Krejames " I met Banannarama in Northampton if that counts"
The Rebel :- it makes my point wonderfully:-
" Robert De Niro's Waiting" was the bands big hit.
This is a song about a girl who goes into a fantazy world where she meats the actor Robert De Niro.....yet if you meet De Niro in real life he is supposed to be nervous and shy.
My wife and I once shared a beer with Gilby Clarke former guitarist of guns and roses.He and his wife were the most wonderful people. And although never a member of the origional band, I think Gilbys opportunity came about because he was well behaved (his dad was a doctor) and they bought him in the band when the band needed that ....mind you they kicked him out 2 years later, and that's why all these years later his doing small shows and how come me and my wife had the opportunity to meet him and his partner for a beer.
I also have a friend who got on the Swedish version of Americas got talent, he did good and progressed but the judges still treated him as shit in the quarter final, and that says everything to me about reality T.V and talent shows. Humiliation rather than let's make this talent happen.
The Rebel.